Monday, August 20, 2007

#23 -- The End!

Wow! This has been a really fascinating experience for me to learn all this stuff.

Most of my favorites have been for personal use, more than Library related...I love the blogging and social networking, I loved learning to add movie clips and pictures to my Blog and other profiles. I had a lot of fun exploring the image generators and the podcasts.

It was fun to take things home, like Bloglines, to my husband (who is very tech-savvy, but had never used or even heard of Bloglines) and teach him how to use it. He's involved with a lot of different newsfeeds, forums, etc. and it's fun to watch him utilizing something that I actually taught him about. So, that was cool, even though I probably won't use it again myself.

I feel I have a slightly better grasp on some of the options available out there in InternetLand...even though I'm sure I've barely scratched the surface. I think I'll make sure to print out all the "lesson" pages in the event I might need to go back and re-figure this stuff out again. It's been very useful.

A lot of the stuff doesn't apply to my job, and some of the stuff seems like it's double or triple the work. I noted that in my blogs. But that's okay, because at least I know it's out there, right?! So that's still good!

I would probably participate in a future discovery program, provided it was offered again during a "slower" time so that I had time to work on it. It's been really fun and I thank you for doing this program!!!

1 comment:

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