Monday, August 6, 2007


Podcasts seem sort of random. I listened to part of an interview with Jason Statham, who is one sexy man! That was on the Yahoo Podcast site. There were a lot of links that didn't go anywhere - kept telling me it couldn't find it. That didn't impress me, and in fact frustrated me because I don't really know what I'm doing half the time and then when I follow the directions I'm given and it still doesn't work...AUGH!!!

Then I checked out but it seemed like everything I tried to play/listen to I got a box that said "Click to run an ActiveX control on this webpage". ???? I don't know what that means. Then it kept wanting me to restore MIME type associations to QuickTime...I don't know what that means either. I didn't know if it was safe to do that or not, so I told it NO. When I finally got to the actual point that it would play something, it just kept saying "rockin'pop-cast" and "rockin'pop-cast.come" over and over. That didn't impress me either. I must be doing SOMETHING wrong.

I also went to Podcast Alley -- had trouble locating anything I actually searched for. I typed in Janet Evanovich (one of my favorite authors) and got ten hits...none of which had anything - and I mean ANYTHING -- to do with Janet Evanovich. Nothing. Sooo....either I'm doing something completely wrong, or it's just not all that easy to use. At least for us technologically slow people.

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