Monday, June 11, 2007

June 12, 2007

Three hours ago I didn't even fully understand what a BLOG was. Now I've created one. How scary is that?! I might actually learn how to do some of these new-fangled things and actually understand what my students and my husband are talking about! Until now it's all been a foreign language to me.
Will wonders never cease?


Whitney the Librarian said...

Great job; love your blog layout!

SinginMomOnTheRun said...

Thanks! I'm pretty stupid about all this. I will try not to be annoying!

Finding the incessant phone calls an annoying distraction to my new desire to PLAY at work! :)

SinginMomOnTheRun said...

Easiest Habit for me is 7 1/2 -- PLAY! I'm a visual learner. I cannot read directions very easily and figure out what I'm supposed to do. If someone will sit down with me and SHOW me what to do, then I will play play play and figure it out from there. I usually have a lot of questions though! The workshops will be helpful, but I'm probably not patient enough to wait until then.

The hardest "habit" for me -- probably #4 -- having confidence in myself as a competent, effective learner. I'm a high maintenance learner when it comes to technology and need guided, hands-on teaching. All this new stuff is scary to me. I feel stupid and ineffective. I need someone holding my hand and showing me what to do.